Onsale For! Musical Book of Hours
Musical Book of Hours
, ASIN : B000006AUWThis is one of the most beautiful early music discs in the catalog--equally attributable to the music and to the perfectly tuned and blended voices, whose timbres couldn't be more appealing to the ear or more appropriate to the style of the repertoire. The very first track--a charming, gentle, hopeful little piece by Dufay, "Bon jour, bon mois, bon an"--leads us easily into the heart and spirit of this well-conceived program, which seeks to duplicate in music the expressive power and visual beauty of the richly illustrated Books of Hours--lovingly created volumes that were a cherished fixture of religious devotional practice in medieval and Renaissance Europe. Among the composers represented are Dufay, Desprez, Busnoys, Dunstaple, and Ockeghem. Put this at the top of your list. --David Vernier
( Product Infomation Posted On Time : Mar 30, 2012 22:15:55 View Last Update Infomation At Amazon)